Frequently Asked Questions for the Transportation Department
Below is a list of frequently asked questions to provide you with answers to the most common inquiries. Additionally, we encourage you to review the Bus Rider Safety Handbook available on the District's website. If your question is not addressed, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Transportation Service Center at 979-865-3673.
How do I find out my student's bus number?
There are several ways to obtain your student's bus information. If the campus hosts an open house or meet-the-teacher night, the transportation department will have a booth available to provide information on services. Alternatively, you may contact your student's campus or reach out directly to the Transportation department.
What are the Transportation Department hours?
The Transportation Department operates from 5:30 AM to 5:15 PM on school days. Please note that we are closed for lunch from 11:30 AM to 1:15 PM. Any messages left during this time will be returned later the same day.
Who should I call if the bus does not arrive to pick up my student on time?
Your student should arrive at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled arrival time to accommodate a five (5) minute window for potential traffic issues. When contacting our office for information about the bus location, please provide your student's name and the school they attend. Please note that route times may vary during the initial weeks of school. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this period. Thank you.
Can the driver stop at my house to pick up or drop off my student?
Transportation will assign designated bus stops for each student registered for transportation services. Each stop has been evaluated to ensure the safety of its passengers. If you have any issues or concerns regarding an assigned stop, please do not hesitate to contact the Transportation office for further review at 979-865-3673.
Who should I report my address or telephone number changes to?
Please contact the school registrar as soon as possible to update any changes to your address and telephone number. The registrar will input this information into the system, which will then be accessible to the Transportation Department. Please note that transportation staff are unable to change your address information directly. After your information has been updated in the school system, it will take 24 hours before transportation can reroute your student to the new address. We encourage parents to provide this information promptly to minimize any delays in transportation services. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding regarding this matter.
How will I be notified when the school bus is running late?
This year, we have implemented a new Smart Tag System, which will include a parent portal for you to monitor your student's activity. We appreciate your patience during the beginning of the school year as we work to stabilize routes and times before launching the parent portal. This innovative safety equipment will provide both parents and district campuses with the ability to track your student’s location while on the school bus, as well as when and where they disembark.
How will I be notified of a change to my student's stop time, stop location or bus number?
If the change in time is less than five minutes, the driver will inform the students of the adjustment. In the event of a change in stop location or bus assignment, the Transportation Department will make every effort to notify all students and parents of the change prior to its occurrence.
I got home late (in PM) and I cannot find my student. The school is closed and no one answers the phone at the school. What do I do?
The Smart Tag parent portal can help prevent this issue. If it is not accessible, contacting the Transportation Department is typically the most effective option in these situations. The Transportation staff will assist you in locating your child. Office: 979-865-3673. For after-hours assistance, please reach out to the Director at Cell: 979-270-9066 and/or your local police department.
I have a question regarding a bus stop location or pick up/drop time. Who should I call?
Please contact the Transportation department at 979-865-3673. The staff is equipped to assist with most service-related inquiries. If they are unable to provide an immediate answer, please leave your name and a detailed message so that your call can be returned.
My student's bus is overcrowded. Can some students be placed on another bus?
School bus sizes are specified based on passenger capacity, with the assumption that elementary school-aged children will ride three (3) per seat. We will make every effort to limit middle and high school students to two (2) per seat. Although the bus may appear crowded with three (3) elementary students or two (2) middle or high school students in each seat, it will not exceed capacity. Our primary goal is to provide the safest possible transportation. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the transportation department for further investigation. Following the investigation, transportation will determine the appropriate safety measures needed and will communicate our findings to you. We sincerely value your concerns, as the safety of your child is our utmost priority.
I cannot see my student's bus stop from my house. How can I get the bus stop moved closer?
The bus stops are located at centralized points that can be safely accessed by a large number of students. If you have concerns regarding your student's safety, we encourage you to accompany them to the bus stop. For safety reasons, it is preferable for multiple students to wait at the stop rather than individuals. Bellville ISD utilizes group stops whenever possible to reduce the amount of time students spend on the bus. Additionally, students may be required to walk further in subdivisions with multiple active construction sites. The safety of our buses can be compromised when roads are not accessible due to parked vehicles on both sides, or in cases where a subdivision is private and/or gated.
Why are the school bus seats spaced so close together?
The design of school bus seats is intentionally compact to keep riders within a padded compartment, minimizing the space between energy-absorbing surfaces.
In the 1970s, the Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration established that the safest seating arrangement for school buses would be based on a "compartmentalization" concept. This approach involves creating seat backs that are higher, wider, and thicker than previous designs. All metal surfaces are covered with foam padding, and each seat must contain a steel inner structure that flexes forward to help absorb energy when a rider is thrown against it. Additionally, the seats are required to be securely anchored to the floor to prevent them from detaching during this bending motion, while the floor must be constructed to resist bending or tearing under the strain of the seat anchors.
Lastly, if seats are positioned too far apart, riders risk being thrown too far before receiving adequate cushioning or could potentially be ejected from the bus compartment. Current regulations stipulate that the seat back must not be more than 24 inches from a defined reference point.
My student left a jacket (books, instrument, etc.) on the bus. How can he get it back?
The drivers are required to check their bus after each run. Items left on the bus by students will be retained by the driver and can be claimed by their owners the following day. Fragile or valuable items will be removed from the bus in the evening for their protection and can be returned by the driver the next morning for retrieval. If an item remains unclaimed, the driver will submit it to the school's lost and found.
What happens to my Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade student if there is no authorized person at the bus stop?
The student will be returned to their elementary campus for the parent or guardian to pick them up. If the student is returned after 4:30 PM, they will be sent back to transportation. In the event that we are unable to contact a guardian by 5:30 PM, we will need to involve local authorities.
After the student is returned to the campus five (5) times, bus riding privileges will be suspended for the take-home service. The student may continue to ride the bus to school only.
What if I want my student to get off the bus at another address other than my house?
Students are only authorized to ride to and from their registered home address as on file with the school. To ensure the safety of all students, transportation is not permitted to alter destinations. In the event of an emergency, please contact the Transportation Center for further assistance. According to state regulations, school bus transportation is defined as travel to and from the student's home address.
Why did you suspend my student from riding the bus?
The behavioral expectations on the bus focus on upholding the individual rights of every person on board, including both the driver and the collective rights concerning safety. Any actions that threaten the safety of individuals on the bus are deemed serious violations.
Bus drivers have rules and/or expectations clearly posted within the bus. In the event of an infraction, a referral is submitted to the campus administration, which then determines the outcome of the referral. The transportation department is tasked with investigating the details and reporting the incident as conveyed by both the driver and the student. Most buses are equipped with video cameras, which are frequently utilized to verify incidents that occur on the bus. Our primary objective is to ensure the safe transportation of all students while maintaining safety and compliance for students, parents, and staff alike.
Why does my student have a seat assignment?
Seat assignments are mandated by the Texas Department of Public Safety. In the event of an accident, the driver is required to provide a valid seating chart to the officers upon their arrival at the scene. In instances of fatality or serious injury, this chart will assist in accurately identifying students, allowing for timely notification of parents regarding their injured child and the location where they can be found.
Additionally, seat assignments contribute to a consistent and safe riding experience for all passengers. It is imperative that students understand their role in maintaining safety and are educated on the importance of these safety measures.
How do you decide when it is too dangerous for school buses to transport students to school due to inclement weather? Who decides? How is the public notified?
The district collaborates closely with local emergency response agencies and representatives from the National Weather Service to monitor conditions when severe weather is a possibility. Furthermore, members of our Transportation Department are out on the roadways in the early morning hours, evaluating bus routes for any potential hazards.
The superintendent, along with staff from operations, transportation, safety, security, and communications, reviews information gathered from local agencies, the National Weather Service, and personal observations to determine the most appropriate course of action. In many instances, the decision to adjust the normal school schedule is challenging due to the unpredictable nature of weather and the variation in conditions across different areas of the district. Ultimately, the decision to cancel school or implement a delayed start is made with the primary goal of ensuring the safety of both students and staff.