To Those I Serve:
When I first became a superintendent, my daughter asked me, "Mom, now that you're the superintendent is it your job to be the boss of everybody?". I paused, wanting to ensure my response to her was sincere and thoughtful; then said, "No, my job now is to serve everyone else." She seemed a little confused by my response. I anticipate that this concept is one that we will revisit many times in the future as we work to develop leadership skills in our children. My hope is that through my actions, she begins to understand what I believe true leadership to be.
I have had the great fortune of learning from leaders who demonstrated courageous humility and relentless dedication to their values and their community. I was taught early in my educational career that it is the leader's job to be the first person there and the last one to leave. I was taught that the leader should always be willing to do any task asked of others including picking up trash, putting forth extra effort, and sacrificing personal time and money to support the success of our students. I believe deeply that the more you love what you do, the more successful it will be for you. And I believe that it is my job to ensure our staff and our students love what they get the opportunity to do in Bellville ISD each day.
I operate under the philosophy of, "Dream big, plan well, work hard, smile always, and say thank you often." My hope is that if I serve each student, staff member, parent, and community member with grace and humility then our district will be a place of collaboration, learning, growth, and success where each individual feels valued and appreciated, and each learner strives to be a positive contributor to the world around them.
My family and I are honored to be part of the incredible Bellville community and I am honored to serve as the superintendent of schools for Bellville ISD. We are grateful for the opportunity to uphold the values and traditions that make this such a wonderful community, and I look forward to continuing to work with all who are united in Brahma Pride as we seek to continuously enhance the experiences of our learners.
Go Bulls!
Nicole Poenitzsch, Ed.D.
[email protected]
Superintendent Bellville ISD